TQC Update 2018
Now that we are in the second quarter of 2018 TQC have a few news items that we would like to share.
The sales department has had a few changes in 2018, Chris Poynton has joined and Gary Hesketh has returned on a part-time basis 3 years after he retired.
One long standing TQC employee retired in March, Mike Gretton was in the electrical engineering department for over 35 years, we wish Mike well in his retirement.
TQC will again be attending the Made in the Midlands exhibition in Coventry. The event on the 21st June 2018 is back bigger and better than last year. To book tickets click below

For more information on MIM, please visit their website at madeinthemidlands.com
TQC is reaching the business end of its EU funded CleanSky2 project, TAMI (Tests for leakage Identification on Aircraft fluid Mechanical Installations). TAMI is part of a larger over-arching project managed by Airbus Defence Systems with the objective to deliver more ecological, more efficient, reliable and lower cost means for leak testing of aircraft fluid mechanical systems.
TQC has designed a ‘TAMI bench’ which supports a range of leak testing methods, which can be configured to test aircraft fuel systems, fuel tanks, and gas systems. After completing laboratory tests on representative aircraft structures at TQC, the TAMI bench will be transported for testing on EU’s Aircraft Integrated Technology Demonstrator in Seville, Spain.
Additionally, TAMI is carrying out laboratory tests to check models and simulations from a complementary theoretical path in the over-arching project. The objective is to ensure that the pass/fail criteria established by the practical tests are underpinned by sound theoretical foundations.
Our final update is that TQC can announce the full implementation of a new Management Execution System. This system is based around some of the nine pillars within Industry 4.0. Operating in the Cloud and implementing horizontal and vertical systems integration this new facility allows full real time monitoring of both project materials and labour. The TQC MES will be updated and improved as necessary going forward.