TQC Update October 2020
It’s TQC update time again. Now we are in the last quarter of 2020 it is a good time to report on what has happened and what the next few months at looking like at TQC. It doesn’t seem long since we were shouting about our new website launch and the ongoing difficulties that we are all dealing with in terms of the global pandemic. It has now been over 6 months but in many ways, we are still working with the same restrictions and there is no obvious indication on when we will get back to more normal times.
TQC have been very fortunate over the months and have maintained a full order book throughout with orders across many industries. On top of this, we have retained all staff and we are currently recruiting. Recently Kevin Haig rejoined the TQC Sales Department and looks to bring in more work into the business and allows us to more reactive dealing with any customer enquiries. Kayla Kret has completed a short term Postgraduate Placement, we have to thank Kayla for pushing TQC forward in many marketing areas.
October is the start of our new financial year and we hope that we can maintain current activity levels and fulfil the projects that are at various levels of assembly in our Nottingham facility through the coming months. There will be computer system improvements rolled out shortly and these will allow all employees to continue to be effective whether working from home or at the factory.
The last few years has seen the Brexit effect that TQC has managed to navigate through and now in 2020 we have Covid-19 to deal with. TQC has over 35 years experience in the design and manufacture of leak testing, automation and robotic solutions so we have jumped over many hurdles to date and will continue to do so. We will maintain our close working relationships with our existing clients as necessary and welcome new customer and information on any new projects.
We hope you found this TQC update of interest and welcome you to follow us on LinkedIn for our latest news